Where Kingdom Living Is Our Culture

Where Kingdom Living Is Our Culture
Where Kingdom Living Is Our Culture

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Leadership concept, really what is it?

I have always been fascinated with the concept of leadership. What I have come to believe, trapped within every follower is a hidden leader. The most important quality of true leadership is the spirit of leadership. All humans possess the leadership spirit, but only those who capture the spirit of leadership ever become truly effective leaders. I believe we all have the capacity to lead within our own sphere of influence, which is called the leadership spirit. However, the spirit of leadership or the attitude of leadership, we must develop to really become the leaders we are meant to be. Simply put, the thinking of a leader is what separates him or her from the followers. I believe that true leaders are distinguished by a unique mental attitude that emanates from an internalized discovery of self, which creates a strong, positive, and confident self-concept and self-worth. This unique mental attitude is what I call the spirit of leadership. It’s an attitude that affects the entire life of the leader and controls how he or she acts or responds to life, danger, crisis, disappointment, failures, challenges, and stress. This attitude gives the leader a sense of confidence, faith, and the belief in possibilities.

You know what, life happens to all of us. The rain will fall on the just and the unjust. Our attitudes determine how we respond to the many challenges that all of us will encounter. The leader will inspire others to have hope in the face of great odds and cause the leader to cultivate a spirit of purpose, daring, passion, and conviction.

It is important to understand that leadership is not an exclusive club for the elite few who were “born with it.” Every human has the instinct and capacity for leadership, but most do not have the courage or will to cultivate it. Trust me on this; what we think is critical to becoming the leaders we are all destine to be. Your beliefs are a product of your thoughts, your thoughts create your beliefs, your beliefs create your convictions, your convictions create your attitude, your attitude creates your perception, and your perception dictates your behavior. I believe the question therefore is, from where or whom are we getting our thoughts? As I am writing this blog, I am talking to myself however, if it stimulates conversation in what you believe, please feel free to comment. Together let’s really explore what potential we all have personally and corporately. Till next time, thank you and God Bless!


  1. I very much look forward to hearing more about the spirit of leadership. I've learned over the years, that in our personal as well as business lives, a man truly does become what he thinks about.

  2. Thanks for the inspiration, man.

  3. I believe that leaders help people with the transition to transform. They bring out the best publicly while working on the worst privately. I'm not sure that I agree with your statement "Every human has the instinct and capacity for leadership, but most do not have the courage or will to cultivate it." Some have to lead and some have to follow, if we're all leaders, there would be incredible confusion. I will say that everyone can be leaders at different times. Some will be a leader at some point to those that follow. Good leaders develop great leaders thus there will come a time when the followers LEAD. Its all cyclical.

    Wait, let me tweet that really quick! LOL!

  4. Great words of "wisdom" my brother. Keep on blogging!
